
     Did you know that you don’t need Wi-Fi to make a world and play with friends you only need WI-Fi to play with others .I think Minecraft is the best video game ever  you can play with friends, you can make cool stuff and it is educational.

    The first reason why Minecraft is the best video game ever is because you can play with your friends . Friends can help you in Minecraft .For example,if you have a build that you need help with you can ask a friend for help.Also,you can play with your family.For instance your family can help you with a billd . In addition,If your best friend is far away and you both have WiFi thay can play with you in Minecraft ! This proves that you can play with friends in Minecraft can help you.


     The second reason why Minecraft is the best video game ever is because you can make cool stuff. For example,You can make almost anything in Minecraft because a Minecraft world is REALLY BIG but that is a limit on how high you can build. Also, There is lots of blocks in Minecraft. In addition,Some of the materials in real life are in Minecraft so if you imagine something you might be able to build it.This proves that you can make cool stuff in Minecraft.


The third reason why Minecraft is the best video ever is because Minecraft is educational. For example,There are many worlds you can get that have mazes and problem-solving techniques.Also there are books about tricks in Minecraft such as Minecraft guide to enchanting so you can learn about Minecraft. In addition,in Minecraft you can code using redstone.This proves that Minecraft is educational.


Minecraft is the best videogame ever because you can play with friends, you can make cool stuff and it is educational.In other words you should try playing Minecraft. I think that’s Important because Minecraft is you can play with friends, you can make cool stuff and it is educational

Dogs are awesome!

     Close your eyes and imagine a animal that greets you everyday and can play with you.Dogs are the best pets because they are loyal, playful, and  helpful.If you want a pet I think you should think about getting a dog.

     The first reason dogs are the best pets ever is dogs are loyal.Dogs will bark at strangers.For example, if someone broke into your house a dog would bark to alert you.Also, you can train dogs cool tricks like come,sit,stay,fetch or get it and a whole bunch more!In addition, dogs will protect you. some dogs are police dogs and dogs can smell and hear better than People !This is why dogs are loyal.

     The second reason why you should get a dog is because they are playful.You can tire out your dog by playing fetch plus if you want some exercise you can play with your dog and most likely it will make you tired .Also,some dogs will chase their own tail that’s because dogs want attention or they are board.For example,most dogs love to play tug of war like have you ever seen a dog find a prop and play with it?If you had It was probably funny if you didn’t it will probably be funny.This proves that dogs are playful.

     The third reason dogs are the best pets ever is dogs are helpful . Some dogs can find people after earthquakes or tornadoes.Also,some dogs can help people get around if the person can’t see well they’re called therapy dogs. For example, sense dogs can sniff really good it makes them really good police dogs. This proves dogs are really helpful .

     Dogs are the most awesome pets because they are loyal, playful, and they are helpful.In other words I think you should get a dog .I think that’s important because dogs are loyal playful and helpful .










Levi’s glasses appointment 👓

I was at school right before the bell rang. I was rushing to the field to find my brother Levi and my dad Levi was  playing with his friends I said,” Levi we have to leave if got to go  if you want to be on time for your glasses👓 appointment”!👓


  Levi said, ” Can I have 3 minutes Dad”? My dad said,”  Yes you can have 3 minutes”. I went to the car because I was really hot dad turned on the cold air for me I said,” Thanks Dad”. 


      I ate some Goldfish crackers  then I hopped out of the car and  then I found Levi and Levi’s friends. I asked what they were playing and Levi said,” Pokemon” .I asked if I could join in they said “Yes”.


I played with them for 2 minutes and then I went back to the car. Dad said,” go tell Levi that time is up and that we need to leave”. I said okay and I ran to Levi  I said It is time to leave and  Levi said okay. and then he ran to go tell his friends that he had to leave they said bye. We both ran to the car and we buckled up. I asked Dad  were we were going for the eye doctor appointment he said Target I said ,”What”?? Once we were at Target dad took us to the very back of the store and  there was an eye doctor place.


      Once we  were at the doctor we did a whole bunch of exams and Levi did need glasses.👓 Only for like far away reading the doctor said,” that we can come back and 12 days and we can pick up the glasses”.👓 so he wanted it and what color he wanted them to be he picked red and blue.I was so happy that Levi was getting glasses I was also kind of sad that he’s getting glasses and that he had emeralds. but I’m mostly happy that he got glasses .

Port Ludlow

I made a list of what I was going to pack my trip to Port Ludlow .On the list there was  stuffies ,my clock ,my water bottle, my brother’s Pokemon cards

I stuff it all in my suitcase and then I walked out the front door and put it in my dad’s car. I cannot wait to go to Port Ludlow.                                                              

We played on our I Pads the whole way there and I got to Play in the realm that my Uncle and Aunt created.The car ride was like 3 hours.We also had to Take a faerie that was another hour added plus  the car ride on Land the  which was basically it was 3 hours In total.

Once we arrived we started unpacking and there’s like seven rooms. One of them was ours we were waiting for everyone else to get there.  Then I saw games one of them needed batteries  We didn’t have batteries ,and we didn’t know where we could get any so we played a different game it was really fun. 

 Once we started settling in I started playing on my I Pad and we got Bonus  screen time that day.Then after 3 hours everyone started arriving and then we got to find a room it was really big and I got to sleep in a really big bunk bed. Then I unpacked and I found my stuffies they got a little wet from my water bottle my mom dried them off for me. I started to put everything where I wanted it to be and then it was time for dinner .I asked my mom what’s for dinner she said,” mac and cheese”. After I finished my dinner me and Levi  played a game in  cabinet. Then we started going to bed at 7:00 I didn’t  go to sleep until 8:00 because I was not tired.

















The first day of school

We got here early and We played freeze tag in the field until it was 9:03. then we started Going to my class.Once I was in class I worked on the would you rather , And then I worked on getting onto the slide deck.

I asked Miss what to do  after I got onto the Google slide deck. She said, “just play around,”and start typing and I still felt Confused . And Then  I tried to figure out how to get a box on the slide.

Once everyone Was on the slide deck everything started disappearing. and I raised  my hand to ask  Mis.Novy what to do she said, “everything got deleted.”

I tried to figure out what to do now that everything got deleted. I looked at the board to try and see if there’s anything that said what to do  if everything got deleted

 Mis. Novi said,  “we can try again tomorrow and try it and not get everything deleted. “